VDSD 2023

Previous years: 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2024

What the hell is "VDSD" ?
VDSD is an internet event where several webcomic artists
simultaneously put out something extra sexy for Valentine's Day.

And here we go for 2023:

(Also, if you're interested in seeing more, there is a NSFW Patreon tier that will take things a little further)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wallpaper Sizes

The Complete List of Valentine's Day Sex Drive 2023 Participants

(Obviously, most are NSFW)

MonicaNG - MoonSlayer
Julie Devin - Monster Soup
Amy Letts - Epic Fail
Team Lady Valiant - Lady Valiant
Midnight - Danger Zone One
Centcomm - Datachasers
Lou Graziani - Cy-Boar
Darksh1ne - Monstroniverse Adventures
The Letter M - The Restless Dead
Blue Dragon - Dark Horse
Lightfoot - Pulse
Stilldown - Ariane Eldar's Personal Place
Stilldown - Theater Of The Bloody Tongue
Sheryl Schopfer - Sharpclaw
Sheryl Schopfer - Deer Me
Arne Cooper - The Androssian Prophecy
The Exiern Team - Exiern Extras
The Exiern Team - Dark Reflections - Zen
The Exiern Team - Dark Reflections - Chaos
The Exiern Team - Exiern: Dark Reflections
The Exiern Team - Exiern
The Exiern Team - Exiern v1.0
Barry Linck - Phineus+ Magician for Hire
MiraKirall - The Ace of The Spades
sidaragasum - Locked in Imagination
Spelledeg - Now Hiring
Zaten - Club Pegasus
Jim and Alli Perry - Out of My Element
Momoru - Mildreth of the Night
Momoru - Alvery Nerveaux's Secret Case Files
Microraptor - Cryptida
rulerbrain - Selling Smiles
Mark Egan - Bata Neart
Mark Egan - Back Office
Zach Vanzile - West Tree Academy of Heroes
Ben Bourbon - Devilbear: The Grimoires of Bearalzebub
SpaceGoblin - By The Book
Gojiramon - CKarrus
Nick Greaves - The Great Isle of Prentil
Marshall Reeves - Yesterday Bound
Sean Harrington - Spying With Lana
John Harrington - Super Rivals
Lirvilas - Grinder$
J.E. Draft - The Challenges of Zona
Jaycee Knight - Bloomin' Faeries
yellowgerbil - Zoe the Vampire
yellowgerbil - AquariYUM
Stef Marcinkowski - Sarah Zero

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