Pizza is made of bread, the staff of life
It has all the food groups: meat, veggies, dairy and fruit if you like pineapple on it, I do
It has all the modern food groups too: gluten, nitrates, salt and fat
A recent study said it’s better to have pizza for breakfast than cereal. Or for any meal.
Just don’t let Children’s Services find out, I don’t think they read the article
Pizza has all the food groups, but in incorrect ratio. For example, even if you are one of those heretics who puts pineapple on pizza, it’s still not enough fruit. However, the same can be said of any meal ; that’s why you should combine meals of different kind.
Pizza is made of bread, the staff of life

It has all the food groups: meat, veggies, dairy and fruit if you like pineapple on it, I do
It has all the modern food groups too: gluten, nitrates, salt and fat
A recent study said it’s better to have pizza for breakfast than cereal. Or for any meal.
Just don’t let Children’s Services find out, I don’t think they read the article
Pizza has all the food groups, but in incorrect ratio. For example, even if you are one of those heretics who puts pineapple on pizza, it’s still not enough fruit. However, the same can be said of any meal ; that’s why you should combine meals of different kind.
That’s why you eat more than one slice
and have a side salad…fruit salad
Uh, tomato is a fruit…
Even if tomato is a fruit, you should not put it in fruit salad.
So are avocadoes, peppers and corn.
And an apple isn’t, neither are strwberries, grapes or pineapple.
Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Wisdom is knowing not to put one in a fruit salad
Charisma is doing it and selling it anyway